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    11 Things Your Husband Wants You to Know But Doesn’t Know How to Tell You

    Ok, Stepmoms! This is how a remarried dad really feels. And this is straight from the horse’s mouth! 1. I wanted the perfect family just as much as you did. When we got married, I thought you were the answer to all of my problems and that you being in our lives would magically fix everything. I am just as heartbroken and disappointed as you are when things aren’t going the way we hoped they would. 2. The reason I get so upset when you complain about my “baggage” is because all I ever wanted was to give you the the perfect life. I wanted you to have everything you ever…

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    10 Surprising Perks of Being a Stepmom

    Any stepmom will tell you that blended family life is no walk in the park! But there’s no doubt that behind every cloud is a silver lining and stepmomhood is no exception. Here are some reasons why I can honestly say I am grateful for my experiences as a stepmom, the good AND the bad! You truly appreciate every single second of alone time with your husband. As a stepmom, you learn very early on to not take quality time with your man for granted. What may be just another weekend for a regular wife feels like a romantic mini-vaca for a stepmom when the kids are away.   Your…

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    11 Things No One Tells You About Marrying a Man With Kids

    1. Sometimes you are going to feel like an outsider in your own “family.” Even if your step kids welcome you with open arms. Even if the ex likes you. You will feel left out when your husband jokes about being a parent in a conversation with friends and when he goes to school functions without you. You will get knots in your stomach every time you sit down at the dinner table, dreading what awkward or inappropriate comment is going to come out of your stepchild’s mouth this time. You will feel insecure when they laugh about old memories, because up until now, none of them involve you and…