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    Three Reasons Why I am No Longer A Scary Stepmom

    I’m baaaack…for the first time in about two years, and it shows because I had 242 unread blog comments, which is a project for another day. A day that will probably never come. Just being honest. As much as I love writing on this blog, I’ve had to use all my writing skills on graduate school these past two years, and have had neither the time or energy to consistently post on here. I hope that will change soon, as I get closer to graduation! Yay! Now, back to the point. This is an article I wrote back in 2019 that I have had several platforms ask if they could…

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    A Letter to Future Stepmoms

    Dear Soon-to-be Stepmom,  I see you over there, eyes bright and full of love and admiration for the new little family you have been asked to become a part of. I know how lucky you think you are to join them on this adventure called life and how special it feels to know that your husband chose you. And I am so happy for you. But mostly, my heart hurts for you. Because you are so oblivious to the pain and heartache that awaits you just around the corner. I want to protect you so badly. I want to warn you about all of it so that your tender heart…

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    Stepmom Confession: I’ve Been Living A Lie

    It’s true. But in my defense, I had absolutely NO idea. See, for the past six years I thought that all the fear, anxiety and pain I was dealing with was because of the dysfunctional situation I married into. And from the outside looking in, it definitely made sense.  But see, that was the problem. I was looking on the outside to make sense of all the problems I was dealing with on the inside. I mean A+ B= C right?   Example: Husband gets a completely unnecessary, nasty message and then tells me about it. I am now seeing red. “Nobody talks to my husband like that. This is…

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    11 Things No One Tells You About Marrying a Man With Kids

    1. Sometimes you are going to feel like an outsider in your own “family.” Even if your step kids welcome you with open arms. Even if the ex likes you. You will feel left out when your husband jokes about being a parent in a conversation with friends and when he goes to school functions without you. You will get knots in your stomach every time you sit down at the dinner table, dreading what awkward or inappropriate comment is going to come out of your stepchild’s mouth this time. You will feel insecure when they laugh about old memories, because up until now, none of them involve you and…