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    5 Things Every Remarried Dad Needs to Know

    A special thanks to my super handsome and amazing husband, Seth, for sharing his wisdom with us. Ladies, I recommend sharing this with your husbands! You have to REPRIORITIZE. If you are (re)married, the relationship hierarchy should be 1) God, 2) Wife 3) Kids. Men, keep in mind that everyone has a seat at the table, but it’s up to you to make sure everyone sits in their appropriate place. It may feel counterintuitive at first, but your wife deserves to be your number one priority and your children deserve to know what a healthy marriage and family looks like. 2. Stop revolving your life around your KIDS. Consistency and…

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    If Looks Could Heal

    “Do you think his eyes will stay blue?” my stepdaughter curiously asks me one day as we lay across my bed staring at her baby brother. “Oh, I definitely think he will keep them,” I reply. “Do you think his hair will stay blonde or turn dark like Eli’s did?” she inquires of me again. I tell her, “I sure hope so.” And I mean it. I really do hope he keeps his blue eyes and blonde hair. Just like his sister. You see, the way you look is important in a family and even more so in a blended family. Looks are powerful symbols of relatedness and belonging. Looks…

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    A Stepdad’s Perspective

    A few weeks ago, Logan Pierce and I connected on social media and I immediately felt like God was calling me to share his story! There aren’t a whole lot of resources out there for stepfathers, so him and I were both really excited to share his story with other stepdads and anyone else who might enjoy reading about a Stepdad’s perspective! Enjoy!  First and foremost, before I share my story, I would like to thank Rachel for this opportunity to encourage and help all the blended families out there. I hope you all know you are not alone, the struggles and the hardships are temporary, and the seeds you…

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    A Letter to Future Stepmoms

    Dear Soon-to-be Stepmom,  I see you over there, eyes bright and full of love and admiration for the new little family you have been asked to become a part of. I know how lucky you think you are to join them on this adventure called life and how special it feels to know that your husband chose you. And I am so happy for you. But mostly, my heart hurts for you. Because you are so oblivious to the pain and heartache that awaits you just around the corner. I want to protect you so badly. I want to warn you about all of it so that your tender heart…

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    11 Things Your Husband Wants You to Know But Doesn’t Know How to Tell You

    Ok, Stepmoms! This is how a remarried dad really feels. And this is straight from the horse’s mouth! 1. I wanted the perfect family just as much as you did. When we got married, I thought you were the answer to all of my problems and that you being in our lives would magically fix everything. I am just as heartbroken and disappointed as you are when things aren’t going the way we hoped they would. 2. The reason I get so upset when you complain about my “baggage” is because all I ever wanted was to give you the the perfect life. I wanted you to have everything you ever…

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    10 Surprising Perks of Being a Stepmom

    Any stepmom will tell you that blended family life is no walk in the park! But there’s no doubt that behind every cloud is a silver lining and stepmomhood is no exception. Here are some reasons why I can honestly say I am grateful for my experiences as a stepmom, the good AND the bad! You truly appreciate every single second of alone time with your husband. As a stepmom, you learn very early on to not take quality time with your man for granted. What may be just another weekend for a regular wife feels like a romantic mini-vaca for a stepmom when the kids are away.   Your…

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    A Perfect Storm

    This week, my husband and I packed up our two wild boys (one human, one pup) and headed up to a small mountain town in North Alabama. He had to go for work so we decided to make a fun little road trip out of it. Because riding in a car with a three year old and a puppy is FUN, right? Well, when we planned this trip we had no idea we would be dodging a Hurricane at home, but it just happened to work out that way. And it had me thinking, you can’t really run away from the storms at home, because the aftermath will still be…